
Chimet considers sustainability as the key to maintain its leading position in providing state-of-the-art industrial service based on closed loop recovery, refining and manufacturing of precious metals and chemical products based on precious metals.ì
Chimet pairs well-being with the environmental savings of raw materials, energy and the territory.
- Minimising the impact of our activities on the environment.
- Leading the company in a socially and ethically responsible way.
- Consolidate and grow the company’s assets in order to ensure reinvestment of capital and the introduction of innovative technologies for continuous improvement.
Chimet is an ecological factory that has obtained certification to the UNI EN ISO 9001 standard and the UNI EN ISO 14001 standard.
As well as the compliance with current environmental regulations the company is working on even stricter measures, investing in technological standards that are higher than those required by law, for the continuous and safe monitoring of environmental protection. Chimet has developed unique closed loop processing, integrating the recovery of precious metals with waste disposal.
In fact, sophisticated systems are used to eliminate fumes and powders and purify water, which means offering eco-compatible systems for the treatment and disposal of waste. In the end, what remains of the waste is an inert material similar to obsidian, which is harmless and does not cause pollution.
Our Certifications
Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control
Chimet is authorized for the treatment and recovery of hazardous and non-hazardous waste
DD14063, 29/06/2023 Wastes recovery and disposal Authorization |
Download |
DD19366, 11/09/2023: Wastes recovery and disposal Authorization amendment to EER codes | Download |
Pre-consented recovery ex Art 14. Reg 1013/2006 EU | Download |
10443,16-05-2024: Wastes recovery and disposal Authorization integration EER 161101 | Download |
Environment Statement | Download |
Atmospheric emission treatment plants, used at Chimet S.p.A. Of Badia al Pino respect the Best Available Techniques defined by the European Union for the different industries. Continuous monitoring of emissions is carried out according to a protocol agreed with ARPAT which is an integral part of the AIA (Integrated Environmental Authorization). The data is made available to the public and transmitted to ARPAT at a frequency of 15 days.
Emissions monitoring
The policies
Chimet’s mission is clear and precise: to recover and refine precious metals from waste made by the industrial manufactures, so as to facilitate the recycling in the production production of goldsmiths, catalysts, thick film and chemical products. At the same time, the company undertakes to dispose with the utmost care, in compliance with current legislation, the wastes that derive from recovering processes.